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Signed Magazines

Classic wrestling magazines signed by the stars!

Wrestling All Stars September 1986

Wrestling All Stars: Heroes & Villains no. 7, September 1986. Cover Story: Tully Blanchard-Hell raising and back- stabbing his way to the top!" Signed by Tully Blanchard.

Inside Wrestling November 1977

Inside Wrestling November 1977. Cover Story: "Superstar Graham's Plot To Get Ivan Putski Banned!" Signed by "Superstar" Billy Graham & Ivan Putski.

WWF Magazine August 1988

WWF Magazine August 1988. 1st Cover Story Bret "Hitman' Hart Arrives. Signed by Bret Hart.

Wrestling Life July 1989

Wrestling Life July 1989. 1st Cover Story: "The Return of Big John Studd!" Signed by Ronnie Garvin.

WCW Magazine February 1993

WCW Magazine February 1993. Cover Story "WCW Starrcade '92: Battlebowl" signed by Dustin Rhodes, Ron Simmons, The Barbarian, and Cactus Jack.

Sports Review Wrestling July 1982

Sports Review Wrestling July 1982. Cover Story: "Warning to the Fans: Your Love Is Destroying Rick Steamboat!" Signed by Austin Idol and Ricky Steamboat.

PWI June 2023

Pro Wrestling Illustrated June 2023. Cover Story: "Impact's Epic Knockout Division!" Signed by Rosemary, Jordynne Grace, Giselle Shaw, Mickie James and Deonna Purrazzo.

Wrestling Eye December 1986

Wrestling Eye December 1986 signed by The Rock n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) and Baby Doll.

Inside Wrestling July 1984

Inside Wrestling July 1984. Cover Story: "Ric Flair Brings The World Title To The New York Area: A Night Of Champions At The Meadowlands." Signed by Ric Flair.

The Wrestler March 1986

The Wrestler March 1986. Cover Story: "Lance Von Erich Stuns Ric Flair: I've finally earned the Von Erich name!" Signed by Lance Von Erich, Ric Flair and Greg Valentine.

WWF Magazine April/May 1986

WWF Magazine April/May 1986. Signed by Jesse Ventura.

The Wrestler October 1985

The Wrestler October 1985. "Ric Flair: I Wrestle The Men Hulk Hogan Is Afraid Of!" Signed by "Dr. D." David Shultz and Misty Blue.

Inside Wrestling October 1985

Inside Wrestling October 1985. Headline: Special Issue! The Red Menace: Will The Russians Conquer American Wrestling?" Signed by Ivan Koloff, Krusher Khruschev, Nikita Koloff, Mike Rotundo, Nikolai Volkoff, and Road Warrior Animal.

WWF Magazine June/July 1984

WWF magazine June/July 1984. Cover story: "Cobra Corps in '84" Signed by Sergeant Slaughter.

Inside Wrestling March 1981

Inside Wrestling March 1981. Cover Story: Tommy Rich: "The fans can go hell!" Signed by Tommy "Wildfire' Rich.

The Wrestler January 1993

The Wrestler January 1993. Cover Story: Sting turns sadistic: Hurting jake Makes me happy!" Signed by Sting & Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Sports Review Wrestling March 1982

Sports review Wrestling March 1982. Cover Story: "Greg Valentine's Boast: I'm here to cripple every WWF Legend! Signed by Greg Valentine.

Inside Wrestling February 1984

Inside Wrestling February 1984. Cover Story: "Abdullah Punctures The American Dream: The Sunshine State Turns Red With Dusty Rhodes' Blood." Signed by Brett Sawyer & Abdullah The Butcher.

Inside Wrestling August 1982

Inside Wrestling August 1982. Cover Story: "Is Andre the Giant Getting Too Big for Wrestling?". Signed by The Masked Superstar.

The Wrestler November 1987

The Wrestler November 1987. Cover Story: "The Night That Shook Wrestling!" Signed by "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and Lex Luger

Wrestling All-Stars: H & V Sept

Wrestling All-Stars: Heroes and Villains September 1987. Cover Story: "Brutus Beefcake: Obnoxious punk or hero?". Signed by Brutus Beefcake.

The Wrestler August 1983

The Wrestler August 1983. Cover Story: "Ric Flair battles Greg Valentine-How the NWA Title shattered wrestling's greatest friendship. Signed by Greg Valentine & Ric Flair.

WCW Magazine June 1992

WCW Magazine June 1992. Cover Story: "Sting: We'll Dismantle the Dangerous Alliance at WrestleWar!" Signed by Sting, Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat, Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes & Nikita Koloff.

Wresting USA Winter 1987

Wrestling USA Winter 1987 signed by Lex Luger, Nikita Koloff, Jimmy Hart, Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson. Note: This was a quarterly reprint title so there is no main cover story.

Inside Wrestling March 1989

Inside Wrestling March 1989. "Collision Course! Wrestling Isn't Big Enough For Two Midnight Express Teams! Part of the Midnight Express section. Signed by Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane, Paul E. Dangerously, Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose.

Wrestling All Stars July 1987

Wrestling All Stars: Heroes & Villains No.15, July 1987. Cover Story: "Ole's out & Lex is in! NOW LUGER'S A HORSEMEN!" Signed by Lex Luger

New Wave Wrestling September 1999

New wave Wrestling September 1999 signed by Cactus Jack, Francine & Hollywood Hogan. Cover Story: "Hollywood Hogan reinvents himself again!"

Sports Review Wrestling January 1984

Sports Review Wrestling January 1984. Cover Stories "The 10 Year Chase Is Finally Over: Andre Corners Abdullah" and "Nick Bockwinkel's Championship Diary: A Year of Hell, A Year of Glory". Signed by Abdullah the Butcher and Nick Bockwinkel.

New Wave Wrestling June 1997

New Wave Wrestling June 1997 (No.27). Cover Story: "ECW Invades WWF". Signed by Francine, Raven, Shane Douglas & The Blue Meanie

Wrestling All Stars December 1986

Wrestling All Stars: Heroes & Villains December 1986. Cover Story: "What's going on here?!! Rhodes Wins-Then loses belt to Flair!" Signed by Dusty Rhodes

The Wrestler August 1988

The Wrester August 1988 signed by Barry Windham & Lex Luger. Cover story: "World Tag Title Power Shift: Barry Windham & Lex Luger Was their title reign sabotaged by a Horsemen-Windham plot?

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Dec

Pro Wrestling Illustrated December 1988 signed by Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon. Inscribed' Four Horsemen Forever!" by Dillon. Cover Story: "The Four Horsemen's Revolving Door-Who's Next to Go?"

Sports Review Wrestling June 1988

Sports Review Wrestling June 1988. Cover Story: "Memo to Lex Luger: Don't Waste Your Time on Blanchard- Get Ric Flair!" Signed by Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger and Ted DiBiase.

Inside Wrestling October 1980

Inside Wrestling October 1980. Cover Story: "Tommy Rich: I learned a lot from Baron Von Rashke!" Signed by Tommy Rich. Baron Von Rashke, and Ken Patera.

Sports Review Wrestling August 1985

Sports Review Wrestling August 1985. Cover Story: "Ric Flair vs. Nikita Koloff: Why This Could Be The Match Of the Century!" Signed by Ric Flair and Nikita Koloff.

Inside Wrestling September 1982

Inside Wrestling September 1982. Cover Story: "Tony Atlas Conquers Jesse Ventura: Will Either Man Ever Be the Same Again?" Signed Tony Atlas and Jesse Ventura

Sports Review Wrestling October 1988

Sports Review Wrestling October 1988. "Are The Midnight Rockers Too Small For The WWF?" Signed by Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels

Pro Wrestling Illustrated February 1987

Pro Wrestling Illustrated February 1987 signed by Buddy Roberts, Michael Hayes, The One Man Gang, Terry Taylor, Ted DiBiase and "Dr. Death" Steve Williams. Cover Story: PWI's' $50,000 Challenge Tournament: Who's the Best in the UWF?

Wrestling Superstars Fall 1983

Wrestling SuperStars Fall 1983 signed by Tommy "Wildfire" Rich, Larry Zbyszko, Tony Atlas and "Precious" Paul Ellering. Cover Story: "Gordon Solie's Personal Analysis of World Championship Wrestling Superstars".

Sports Review Wrestling April 1991

Sports Review Wrestling April 1991 signed by Bret "Hitman" Hart. Cover Story: "The Foundation of a Champion. How young Bret Hart Grew into The Hitman"

Inside Wrestling January 1987

Inside Wrestling January 1987 signed by Jimmy Hart, Cowboy Bob Orton, Terry Taylor, Magnum T.A. and Tully Blanchard. Cover Story: "The New Roddy Piper: Why the Fans love him...But why they should hate him!"

PWI June 1999

Pro Wrestling Illustrated June 1999. Cover "The 1999 PWI Poll: 50 Hot Questions!" Signed by Francine and inscribed "Queen of Extreme".

Raw Magazine October 2003

Raw Magazine October 2003 signed by Trish Status. Cover 3 of 4.

The Wrestler October 1981

The Wrestler October 1981. Cover Story: Is the Funk Family at War? Why Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. Were Forced to Wrestle. Signed by Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk.

Sports Review Wrestling November 1986

Sports Review Wrestling November 1986 signed by Ricky Morton and Arn Anderson. Cover Story' The Andersons Bloody Vow: "We'll Wreck 'N' Rule The Rock 'N" Rolls!"

Inside Wrestling January 1986

Inside Wrestling January 1986 signed by Ricky Steamboat & Don Muraco. Cover Story: Ricky Steamboat vs. Magnificent Muraco: The Volcano Rumbles Will this feud erupt into uncontrollable violence?

Sports Review Wrestling January 1986

Sports Review Wrestling January 1986 "The Butcher Carves Up The Bull: Abdullah Has Finally Gone Too Far!" Signed by Abdullah The Butcher, Lord Humongous, and Tito Santana.

Inside Wrestling October 1985

Insider Wrestling March 1986 signed by Ivan Koloff, Krusher Khruschev, Nikita Koloff, Road Warrior Animal, Mike Rotundo, and Nikolai Volkoff. Cover Story: The Red Menace: Will The Russians Conquer Wrestling?

Wrestling 86 Spring 1986

Wrestling 86 Spring 1986 signed by Barry Windham. Cover story "Barry Windham: The man who said "no: to the WWF"

PWI February 1989

Pro Wrestling Illustrated February 1989. Cover story "Lex-Plosion! I'll take Flair's tile and leave him for dead!" Signed by Lex Luger.

The Wrestler March 1990

The Wrestler March 1990 signed by Ric Flair & Terry Funk. Cover Story: "I Quit! One War Ends Two More Begin"

Inside Wrestling Feb 1989

Inside Wrestling February 1989 signed by Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson. Cover Story: "Tully & Arn will fail under Bobby Heenan! A Special Analysis by J.J. Dillon"

Raw April 1999 Sable cover

Raw Magazine April 1999 signed by Sable. Cover Story "Sable Rocks The Mansion!"

Inside Wrestling July 1988

Inside Wrestling July 1988 signed by Michael "P.S." Hayes. Cover Story: "A Toast To Wrestling's Odd Couple: Kerry Von Erich & Michael Hayes Unite!"

The Wrestler September 1986

The Wrestler September 1986 signed by Ricky Morton of the Rock N' Roll Express. Cover story "Should I Quit The Rock "n Roll Express?"

Sports Review Wrestling 1983

Sports Review Wrestling 1983 Annual signed by "Superstar" Billy Graham & Bob Backlund. Cover Story: "Why the threat of Superstar Graham terrifies Bob Backlund"

Inside Wrestling August 1987

Inside Wrestling August 1987. Cover Story "The Superpowers Super Victory" Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff win the Crockett Cup!". Signed by Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff.

The Wrestler December 1982

The Wrestler December 1982 "Wrestling Unites To Save Ted DiBiase." Signed by Pedro Morales and Jimmy Snuka.

PWI April 1984

Pro Wrestling Illustrated April 1984 "A Second Chance at Greatness". All all-time classic cover. Covering Ric Flair's NWA title win over Harley Race at Starrcade '83. Part of the Starrcade '83 display. Signed by Flair.

Inside Wrestling June 1989

Inside Wrestling June 1989. Cover story features Ricky Steamboat's NWA World Title win over Ric Flair at Chi-Town Rumble 1989. Signed by Steamboat & Flair.

The Wrestler September 1982

The Wrestler September 1982. "Dusty Rhodes Returns to Florida". Signed by Kendo Nagasaki.

Sports review Wrestling July 1981

Sports Review Wrestling July 1981 "Tommy Rich Begs His Fans: Tell Me What You Want...And I'll Do It! Signed by Tommy "Wildfire" Rich.

Wrestling Superstars Spring 1988

Wrestling Superstars Spring 1988. "Superstar Dream Match" featuring Bruno Sammartino vs Hulk Hogan. This is the same copy formerly on display at Pro Wrestling World in Allentown, PA. Signed by Sammartino & Hogan. One of one of only two known to exist.

PWI April 1984

Pro Wrestling Illustrated April 1984. "Can Jerry Lawler Survive His own Dreams of Greatness?". Part of the original dedicated magazine area. Signed by Lawler.

Inside Wrestling February 1980

Inside Wrestling February 1980. "Ken Patera: I Beat Backlund & Bruno in One Night!" Signed by Ken Patera

WWF Magazine Aug/Sept 1986

WWF Magazine August/September 1986. Features King Kong Bundy Interview. Signed by Bundy. Part of the Classic WWF Section.

The Wrestler May 1983

The Wrestler May 1983. "What Will Happen When The Samoans Become Too Smart for Lou Albano?" Signed by The Wild Samoans, Afa & Sika.

PWI April 1986

Pro Wrestling Illustrated April 1986. "Women's Wrestling Comes of Age: Is Wendi Richter More Popular than Hulk Hogan?" Signed by Richter.

Wrestling Superstars Spring 1981

Wrestling Superstars Spring 1981."The Greatest Superstars of Wrestling" featuring Bob Backlund, Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race & Mil Mascaras. One of the "holy grails" of signed mags. This copy was formerly displayed at Pro Wrestling World in Allentown, PA. Signed by all five men. While other copies exist, they are limited and will never be duplicated.

Inside Wrestling August 1984

Inside Wrestling August 1984. "Junkyard Dog Joins Jim Valiant's Boogie Woogie Brigade". Signed by Valiant & Magnum T.A.

The Wrestler July 1987

The Wrestler July 1987. "Will Missy Hyatt Kiss and Tell in The WWF?" Signed by Missy Hyatt.

Sports Review Wrestling December 1989

Sports Review Wrestling December 1989. "Wrestling Hottest Summer Ever!" Signed by Terry Funk & Ric Flair

Wrestling '85 Summer 1985

Wrestling '85 Summer 1985. "Sgt. Slaughter: I'll Win the World Title for America!" Signed by Sgt. Slaughter.

Wrestling Revue July 1983

Wrestling Revue July 1983. WWF Bob Backlund Retrospective. Signed by Bob Backlund.

Inside Wrestling June 1993

Inside Wrestling June 1993. "The Hundred Match War!". Signed by Big Van Vader & Sting.

The Wrestler January 1989

The Wrestler January 1989. "The Horsemen Destroyed! The World Title Gained! But The Midnight Express must Still Prove Themselves!" Part of the dedicated Midnight Express/Jim Cornette wing. Signed by Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane.

Sports Review Wrestling November 1984

Sports Review Wrestling November 1984. "The Race Is On: Kerry Von Erich & Billy Jack Which One Will Dominate Wrestling In The 80's?" Part of the Dedicated World Class Championship Wrestling Display. Signed by Billy Jack Haynes.

PWI July 1989

Pro Wrestling Ilustrated July 1989. "Rick Steamboat: I'm Not A Real Champ Till I Beat Luger & Sting!" Signed by Ricky Steamboat

Bobby Heenan Signed Magazine

Signed WWF Magazine of all-time great manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. October 1987 issue famously flaunted by Heenan on an episode of Prime Time Wrestling

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